Construction of a wastewater treatment plant in the Semeljci agglomeration
As part of the Contract for the Construction of a Wastewater Treatment Plant in the Semeljci agglomeration, an access road will be built to the location of the Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
On April 19, 2023. a construction permit was obtained for the access road to the location of the waste water treatment plant, and on 07.06.2023. the registration of the construction site was carried out.
On 17.10.2023. a building permit was obtained for the waste water treatment plant and on 17.11.2023. registration of the construction site has been completed.
During the month of March, preparatory and earthworks for the mechanical building were carried out pre-treatment and biological treatment of waste water, construction of foundations for the Plant fence, works on administrative building of the Plant and preparatory works on the fields for earthing of sludge.